Assigning content & monitoring progress


Go to the Learning area of the Novo Studio to assign content and monitor user progress.

In this section, you'll learn more about:

the learning area



In the Classes section, you can assign content to a whole group of learners at the same time and monitor their progress.

Creating a class

To create your first class, click Classes in the menu on the left, then click on the button Create Class. The following window will appear:

creating a class

Give the class a name and a start date, then click on Next.

Adding content to a class

The next step is to assign content to the class. You can do so by choosing a learning track template or by creating a learning track from scratch.

creating an assignment

With Create a learning track from scratch, you have the option to create your own assignments. Click on Add assignment, give the assignment a name, start date and if you want, a due date.

If you're adding more than one assignment, you can choose to add prerequisites with the button Edit prerequisites. Prerequisites let you define which assignment(s) a learner has to complete before they can continue with the next assignment.

Next, click on Select content to add activities to the assignment. You can add activities from your own content or activities that have been shared with you.

selecting content

You can only add published activities to an assignment.

Click on Select to close the window: You've now added content to the Assignment.

Editing an assignment

editing an assignment

You can change the order by clicking and dragging menu, add prerequisites by clicking lock_open, or change their status to "inactive" by clicking more_vert, then Settings. Don't forget to save your changes. Finally, to remove an activity from the assignment, click on more_vert, then click Remove.

Click on Save to add the assignment to the class.

You can add as many assignments to a learning track as you want.

Click on Next to add members to the class.

Adding members to a class

adding members to a class

You can search for users or select them manually from the list on the left. Click navigate_next after selecting all users that you want to add to the class. Click Create class to create the class.

Another way to add members to a class is by means of a shareable link.

Click Create class immediately after you've added content (this way, you skip the step of manually selecting users), then go to Settings and click Enable shareable link. You can copy this link and share it with your learners via your favorite means of communication.

See Shareable link for more information.

Viewing a class

Click on Classes in the menu on the left to see an overview of all the classes that are currently active. You will see their name, when the class was created, and in which group account the class is located.

You can use this page to find a specific class and to view a class, it's users, and their progress in more detail.

The following tools help you find the class you are looking for:

  • Use Search classes to find a specific class.
  • Use the drop down menu under Class status to filter the list of classes. You can choose between Only active, Only archived, and All.

viewing a class

Clicking on the name of a class will show you the following details:

  • Members
  • Class assignments
  • Personal assignments
  • Settings

Click on edit when you're in a class to change its name.


viewing class members

Click on _Members_to see which users are part of the class, their account details, and a summary of their progress, such as how much time they've spent learning, how much of the assignments they have completed, if any assignments are overdue, and when they were last active.

With Edit members, you can add or remove members of the class. See Adding members to a class to learn how this is done.

Class assignments

In Class Assignments, you can view what content has been assigned to the class and monitor learner progress.

After clicking Class Assignments, you will see a list of assignments with their starting date, their names as well as how many members have yet to start the assignment, have started but not completed the assignment, and have completed the assignment.

viewing class assignments

You can view more detailed information about learner progress by expanding the panel with expand_more.

This will give you more insight into the courses and activities that are part of the assignment, as well as an overview of who's completed each of these.

Expanding a course with expand_more will show you the activities that are part of the course.

Click on Analytics to view insights on a slide level. Go to Analytics to learn more about this topic.

viewing class assignment details

Personal Assignments

In Personal Assignments, you can add supplementary assignments to individual class members, for example when they need to catch up on a specific topic.

To create a personal assignment, click the button Add assignment. Complete the steps in the same way as described in Adding content to a class

Now that you've added content, there's one last step to take: click on Select assignees and select the class members that you want to give access to the assignment.

Click on Save to close the window.


In Settings, you can do the following:

  • Create a Shareable link
  • Archive the class

Let's learn more about each of these options:

Click Enable shareable link to create a link that you can use to invite people to join a class. When someone clicks on the link, they can login or create their account (if they haven't already done so), after which they can accept the invitation to join the class.

example of a shareable class link

Click on content_copy to copy the link to your clipboard, or copy the QR-code.

If you suspect the link is being abused, you can change the link with Change link or disable it with Disable link.

Archiving a class

Click Archive class and confirm your action with Archive to remove the class from your learners' dashboards. Note that class data and learner progress will be kept.

An archived class can be activated again, for example when you archived the class by mistake. Take the following steps to do so:

  • Click on Classes in the menu on the left.
  • Click on the dropdown menu under Class status and select Only archived. You will now see all classes that have been archived.
  • Click on the archived class that you would like to activate.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Activate class.

The class will be visible again in the class overview and members will see the class assignments in Novo Play.



After clicking Users in the menu on the left, you'll see a list of all users that are currently part of your group account.

You can search for a specific user in the list, or apply a filter: view active users only (Active), view inactive users only (Inactive), or view both active and inactive users (Don't filter). You can also click on a specific user to see more details about the classes they are in, as well as any Personal learning tracks or Individual assignments that have been assigned to them.


Under Classes, you can view which classes this user is a member of. You see the class name, time spent, % completed, how many assignments are overdue, and when the user was last active.

viewing user progress: classes

Click on a class to view it in more detail.

viewing user progress: class details

Under Class assignments, you can view which assignments have been assigned to this user as part of the class.

If you click on an assignment, a dropdown box will appear with more details about the user's progress.

Under Personal assignments, you can view which assignments have been assigned to this user as part of the class.

Click on each assignment to unfold more details.

Below the user's name, you'll see the name of the class that you just selected. Click on arrow-forward to go to the class page, where you can see its members, assignments, and settings.

See Viewing a class for more details about Classes.

Click on Users in the menu on the left to go back to the starting page.

Personal Learning tracks

Adding a personal learning track

A Personal Learning Track is a learning track that is assigned to a single user and consists of one or multiple Assignments.

An Assignment is the content that the learner has to finish within a certain time frame, and it consists of one or more activities.

To assign a personal learning track, click on Add personal track. You can create a Personal Learning Track from scratch or pick a Personal Learning Track Template, and then adapt it to your own tastes.

Creating a Personal Learning Track from scratch

Let's say you want to create a personal learning track yourself; click on Create learning track from scratch.

Fill in a name, choose a start date, and click on next. Click on Add assignment and complete the steps in the same way as in Adding content to a class to add an assignment to the track.

Assignments in a Personal Learning Track will be locked until the start date.

To remove an activity from the assignment, click on more_vert and click on Remove. You can also change the order by clicking and dragging menu, add prerequisites by clicking lock_open, or change their status to "inactive" by clicking more_vert, then Settings. Click Save to add the Assignment. You can always edit the assignment by clicking on Edit at a later stage.

If you want to add more Assignments to the track, just click on Add assignment and repeat the process. Or, if you want to delete the Assignment, simply click on Remove assignment.

Once you've added all the Assignments, click on Create track. A personal learning track has been added to the learner's page.

A Personal Learning Track can be altered after it's been assigned to a learner.

Using a template to create a Personal Learning Track

If you don't want to create a new personal learning track, you can select a track template from the list. Click on Next, and fill in a new name and a start date. On the next page, you can modify the assignments. You can also add or remove assignments all together.

Removing a personal track

To remove a learning track from a user's account, click on more_vert on the right of a learning track, and select Remove.

Viewing a personal learning track

Under Personal Learning Tracks you can see which tracks have been assigned, and view the learner's progress for each track in more detail.

You can see how much time the learner has spent on a personal learning track, how much of the track has been completed (in %), the number of overdue assignments and when they were last active. You can also remove the learning track by clicking more_vert, followed by Remove.

For a more detailed look, click on the learning track you want to view. This directs you to the personal learning track page. If you click on an assignment, a dropdown box will appear. In this box, you can see the start date, the learner's high score, the time spent and the number of sessions for each assignment.

Click on a course to unfold more details, such as activities that are part of the course.

Go to Analytics to learn more about Analytics.

Editing a personal learning track

Changing the cover image

Click Change cover to change the cover photo of a personal learning track. You can set it to a color, or choose an image. If you choose an image, you can set the size to Header or Fullscreen and toggle Repeat (pattern).

Editing an assignment

If you click on an assignment, a dropdown box will appear. Click on Edit to edit the assignment. If the assignment is active, confirm your actions by clicking on Edit one more time. Changes made to an active assignment may affect a user's progress.

You can now change the details of the assignment, edit assignment prerequisites, add content with Select content, edit activity prerequisites by clicking lock_open, or click more_vert to change the Settings or to remove an activity. Make sure to save your changes by clicking Save.

With Add assignment, you can add an assignment to the personal learning track you selected. Go back to Adding content to a class to learn more about the steps to add an assignment from scratch.

Individual Assignments

Adding an Individual Assignment

Same as with Personal Learning Tracks, an Individual Assignment can be assigned to only one learner.

An Individual Assignment is an assignment that is not part of a personal learning track, and it consists of one or more activities.

To assign an individual assignment, click on Add individual assignment.

Give the assignment a name, start date and if you want, a due date.

Next, click on Select content to add activities to the assignment. Tick the boxes of the activities you want to add and click on Select.

To remove an activity from the assignment, click on more_vert and click Remove. You can also change the order by clicking and dragging menu, add prerequisites by clicking lock_open, or change their status to "inactive" by clicking more_vert, then Settings. Click Save to add the Assignment.

Click on Save to close the window.

You can only add published activities to an Assignment. #### Viewing an individual assignment

Viewing individual assignments

Under Individual Assignments, you can see which Individual assignments have been assigned to a user. You can also view the start date, high score, number of sessions, time spent and the status of each assignment.

If you want more detailed information about the learner's progress, click on the assignment to see the courses and activities that the assignment consists of, then click on Analytics to see a detailed view of the user's progress.

Editing an individual assignment

You can edit an individual assignment by unfolding the assignment, then clicking on Edit. You can remove the assignment by clicking on Remove.



Analytics gives you detailed insights at the level of an activity's slides. This helps you to check user progress and evaluate the effectivity of the content that you have assigned.

You can view the following details:

  • The average time spent on each slide within an activity
  • The percentage of correct responses per interaction
  • The percentage of correct answers and the number of attempts per learner

You can view more details about each answer by clicking icon on the right.

view slide statistics

Accessing Analytics

You can access Analytics in two ways:

  • From group Classes
  • From person Users

Accessing analytics from a class

Click on Classes, select a class that you want to view in more detail, then click on Class assignments. Click on an assignment to unfold it. Do the same for a course inside the assignment. Click on the button Analytics.

Accessing analytics from a user

Click on Users, then click on the user whose progress you'd like to view in more detail.

Click on a personal learning track, then click on an assignment to unfold it. Do the same for a course inside the assignment. Click on the button Analytics.

Click on a personal assignment to unfold the assignment. Unfold the course to see the assignments. Click on the button Analytics.