Scoring & Assessment

Scoring Settings

You can give learners a score for a correct response. Scoring within an activity can be enabled by going to Settings > Scoring & Assessment. The following dialog window will appear:

Scoring Dialog

When you enable scoring, the learner will receive points for their first response in an interaction. Per interaction you can choose how many points should be awarded. A default score can chosen in the default interaction score setting.

When Show score during activity is enabled, the number of points earned is shown in the top right corner of the screen. Typically you'll want to disable this setting in assessments.

When Assessment is enabled, no corrective feedback is given and the previous/next navigation buttons are inactive when a slide with an interaction is presented. This forces the learner to give a response before (automatically) continuing to the next slide and limits the number of attempts per interaction to 1.

When the learners has finished the activity the total score is shown. This score is calculated as follows:

                 Number of points earned
 Total score  =  ------------------------  x  100%
                 Maximum number of points

Scoring Dimensions

By default, scoring is given on a single dimension: Correctness. You can also score responses on multiple dimensions. For example, in a language training activity, a learner could say the right words in the right order (so it scores well on the dimensions vocabulary and grammar), but not with the right pronunciation (so it scores low on the dimension pronunciation).

The resulting total score will be the average of the total scores of the different dimensions.
You can weight the impact of the different dimensions on the total score score by dragging the separators.

Scoring Dialog

Scoring Bins

For each dimension, you can divide the score range between 0 and 100% into scoring bins. By default, we divide in the score range in 3 bins: 0%-60%, 60%-80% and 80%-100%. You can change the size of the bins by dragging the separators. You can add more bins by selecting an existing bin and clicking Split bin. This will split the existing bin into 2 new bins. You can remove a bin by selecting it and clicking Remove bin.

Passing & Failing

You can define a single bin as the minimum passing bin. This means that, when the learner gets a score within that particular bin or higher, she will pass the activity. A lower score means that she will fail the activity.

The passing bin is indicated by the icon above the scoring bins.

When scoring on multiple dimensions, learners will only pass the activity if they pass on all dimensions.

Feedback Messsages

You can provide specific feedback messages when the total score falls within a particular scoring bin. This means that when the learner gets a total score within a certain scoring range, they get a specific feedback message when the total score is shown at the end of the activity.

When scoring on multiple dimensions, you can define a specific feedback message for each dimension.

Custom interaction scores

After enabling scoring, each correct response in an interaction block editor is shown together with a star icon. When you click on the icon you can fill in the the score for that particular response. By default, the score is set to the default interaction score.